First of all for mothers day I will be skyping home at 8:00 PM (my time so I think it will be 6:00 PM your time you should look that up), so please be ready I will call you first to get your Skype information.
We also have 2 more baptisms on this Saturday and we might be able to get one more person if she will let us on that day. One of those people is Chris I think I told Dad about him.
I had to go on exchanges with other missionaries this last week and I learned that my area is the best in the district. As in it has more people to feed us and more people we are teaching. I was thinking about how Vikings used to put their dead on a ship, light it on fire, and set it out to see, and that the creator of Star Trek sent his ashes to space to orbit the earth. I want to combine them when I die, by putting my body in a space ship and sending it into the sun. That way I could have a space Viking funeral.
Can you ask Kristen if MI paste will help with these white spots on the gum line of my teeth? If so I would like some. Also if it isn't too much trouble if I could get a couple more short sleeve shirts (size 16) that would be great, there isn't a rush since it is still in the 70's, but summer will be here eventually, and I heard that it gets up to 90s with a lot of humidity. Don't feel obligated to send me stuff when I ask for it because I usually don't need it.
Since I have been talking so much about plants I am going to have an actual section titled:
I have been thinking that having a cactus here would be awesome. Not only does it not need much care, but it would remind me of home. Plus cacti are pretty cool. Also my companion found a picture of a plant and it was a mini banana tree and it looked so weird look it up. So that would be cool to have too.
The End
Yesterday some members (young couple with 3 kids) fed us steak fresh from his father's farm in Idaho. Also there was this amazing dessert that was in this order: Jell-O (with Raspberries inside), some sort of yummy cream that tasted like whipped cream and cheese cake, and pretzels on the bottom. It was super good. I am SO glad it wasn't Mexican food since it was May 5th. I guess it is not a big deal at all here. For obvious reasons.
Also today we will be getting a third elder in our companionship, so there will be three of us. He is waiting on a visa so there was no room at the MTC because of all the missionaries coming out. Part of me wants to call him our lackey and make him back up the car (because they make us get out of the car and have someone back the driver up and it is always me because I am not driving at the moment), but I doubt I would do that. It is funny because the ward is always wondering when we will get another set of missionaries (because someone told us we would), so we joked that instead we got an extra elder. We are picking him up tonight and it is really cool because we get to leave our area and hang out there for our Pday before we pick him up. We get to leave our area because that is where we are picking him up, I don't think I made that clear.
The Mtn Dew cake was a failure it just tasted like regular cake. I think it cooks it out, so I have decided to give up on that. I think that there is a ghost or something inside of my apartment on top of my microwave, because a piece of my cake went missing when I set it on the microwave and I didn't eat it and neither did my companion (he doesn't eat sugar). And apparently my companion's last companion put some walnuts on the microwave and they went missing! And he found a piece in his shoe! Also apparently a Transfer is used as a unit of time on my mission. It really threw me off when I first got here.
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