Monday, April 8, 2013

Letter #2 From PA!

This week was pretty good.  We signed up to volunteer at the hospital. We actually start on Tuesday.  Plus they give us free meals at the end of our volunteering of whatever we want!  As far as we can tell all we have to do is greet people or run errands or push people in wheelchairs.

We gave one of our investigators a blessing, I did the anointing the best I ever have.  The scripture  about opening your mouth and it will be filled really is true.

The pipes on a lot of the houses here are actually made of pipes.  Can you believe that?!  Also a lot of the shops and stuff in a lot of towns are just abandoned around here, I would say about 1\3 of them are abandoned.

It really is true when they say missionaries have long days and short weeks.  My sense of time feels all  distorted and I cant tell what happened which day.

I got my Priesthood line of authority in my email which is awesome! Also occasionally I forget my first name since I always go by elder.

I also have all the appliances I could ever need, even a washing machine and dryer! Unfortunately I don't have a dishwasher.

Also I LOVE reading books about deep doctrine here, I am reading Jesus the Christ now.  My favorite topics ,in case you want to send me something,  is how God is an exalted being and lived on an earth like us and our heavenly mother.  Also is the biography on pres Monson good?  I heard great things about it.

People have weird terminology here like sweeper is vacuum.  Also truck here is a plural word some how like people say "I drive truck"  as in they are a truck driver.  And Y'ins is some how a word too like "How are Y'ins doing" It is a very weird place. Also people refer to the state by the initials PA.

Also I don't have any new pictures because my batteries are dead and I wont get your package until the 25th when I have my quarterly interview with the mission pres.

Also It is about 68 degrees and sunny so it is really nice here.  I thought I would just rub that in.

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