Well, with the new semester starting, I have been a terrible sister and haven't updated the blog in weeks! So here are all his emails for the last few weeks!
This week I did remember to bring my camera and hopefully I wont get kicked off from sending a ton of pictures which it sometimes does. I was on exchanges or something and an older missionary mentioned meeting with an investigator named DAN. He is always available, is always progressing, and his favorite topic of discussion is Lehi's dream. Guess what? DAN is actually an acronym and not a name like I originally thought. Guess what it stands for? Daily Afternoon Nap! HAHAHA I thought it was really cleaver!
During this week a member took us out to dinner this time (usually they just have us eat at their house, but he was 88 years old and his wife died like a month or two ago so he doesn't do any cooking). I don't remember the name of it but it was really good! It was like a cafe place, I can't think of anything to compare it to except for Chile's but it was not quite like that. He ordered us Fried Suzuki (I think that is how you spell it, it is the vegetable that is like a cucumber but different) as an appetizer and it was pretty good. I ordered a BBQ Beacon burger, that was great. He also forced us to have dessert and so I had a chocolate silk pie. It was amazing but sadly I was not able to finish it because I literally felt like puking from eating so much, but I got most of it. He was feeding all four of us and ended up spending $100 (tip included) for all 5 of us. It was crazy I don't think anyone has fed us like that before. He is also a really cool guy and I like being with him. His name is Brother Alton by the way.
Here is a book list paragraph thing that people might be interested in knowing if they want to get me something so I will put this here.
I think it was like there are a couple of reference books by Joseph Fielding Smith. Mormon Doctrine I think that is Bruce R. Mconkie. A Marvelous Work and a Wonder that is by Le grand Richards. The Articles of Faith by James E. Talmage. Book of Mormon and New Testament reference books (it is like a study guide thing that explains the chapters and verses a little better. They have to be written by like a general authority though, I think Bruce R. Mckonkie might have written some. And any other book that looks like it would go deep into the doctrine. There really isn't a book I would not like if it is approved. There are a couple others I would like, but I think they are mostly books that are several volumes, a couple examples are: History of the Church and The Encyclopedia on Mormonism. So they wouldn't be very good for a mission, but I would like to get them when I get back. If I think of any others I will let you guys know. (I just copied and pasted this and I think I mixed up Joseph F Smith and Joseph Fielding Smith a lot so please don't be too mad at me).
Since our new car is freaking awesome and has a USB port along with everything else I could possibly want, including a touch screen for the radio and Bluetooth calls I will send a picture next week. Anyway I listened to this awesome talk I downloaded by a guy name Hugh Nibley. He is hilarious and very smart and gives really good talks! My favorite one so far is How to Write an Anti-Mormon Book, and it pretty much just makes fun of people who do so and is worth a listen for sure. I got it among many others at
Byu.edu/speeches. Also if any of you guys do anything that I suggest please let me know how you thought of it. I would really like to hear your thoughts.
I never knew this before I got out here, but apparently there are a lot of politics that goes on behind the scenes like Ward Council for one example. It is really frustrating at times.
This is Elder Mellor's "Soda Shaq Shrine." He thinks they are hilarious so he bought a bunch. Haha
Elder Mellor had to buy some of this Dr. Pepper gum for Dad's sake. :)
This is the house that Elder Mellor and his companion are living in!
Super exciting. The laundry room.
Obviously, there is some renovation going on in his house. He thought this was so funny! His words: "We call this the Emergency Toilet in the Dungeon. It works and that blue box in the middle-ish are light switches for a ceiling light and a fan like a normal bathroom. The toilet works too, it just feels weird using it since there isn't a door or anything and it is weird."
Elder Mellor and his companion moved their beds into the living room to be closer to the AC unit. Typical Zack!
So this week was pretty good a missionary that is going home soon in our district gave me an extra suit he had that he didn't want to take home with him. It I a gray jacket with two gray pants. The pants were pretty tight on me and I ripped the pocket a little bit. Hopefully I will fit into them better if I lose a little weight, which I am "trying" to do. By "trying" I mean I am actually starting to work out really hard. Although it is hard to tell with out a scale, But I am still working on it. It is very sweaty work. I also bought this weird stress/workout ball that you squeeze a lot and it works your forearms. It hurts really bad when I really try to go at it since my arms are so weak. Me and my companion are going to start running more, we did it once and it is pretty good. Apparently I am starting to form a tiny beer belly, so I am trying to lose that.
I heard about this thing that some bad missionaries do in order to save miles called "cruising". It only works here because there is so many hills in PA. What it is, is that you put your car in neutral an then shut off your car so that you are just coasting and it doesn't cost you any miles. From what I have been told it is extremely dangerous since you lose both power steering and power braking. I guess missionaries have almost died from doing that. I thought it was an interesting idea though.
Our neighbors that are active members just got back from their vacation so we visited them. They are really into hunting and eating what they hunt, so they have a whole fridge full of deer meat and they gave us some deer burgers and deer back steak, we meant to take them out to thaw last night but forgot, so we will eat them in the next couple of days. They said we could use their grill whenever we wanted, but then they remembered that it was broken so that was a bummer.
This computer is driving me crazy you have to press really hard on the keys and sometimes they don't type right so I can't type very fast and it is really frustrating AUGHHHHHHJWOIFHWEFOWREHAUOGP9WRIHEABGNEIh9vdpojs!!!!
My companion just keeps getting better and better. He is does all these different hilarious voices. One is Kevin from the office it is so funny. He also does other missionaries that is pretty funny too.
I just finished reading the biography of President Monson literally 30 minutes before I left for the library. It was really good and I am looking forward to reading that new Bednar book I got!
Anyway I wish I could email more, but I am out of time and being kicked off. I might be able to come back to finish, but maybe not.
Elder Mellor's words: "This is a dead chicken we found down the hill our house is on. Our member neighbors have chickens, so we think it might be theirs. It looks really funny though and I had to take a picture of it. It sort of looks like someone shoved it down into the ground."
Another picture of his Shaq Shrine. He thinks it is the funniest thing.
"This is a map of our area. The red part is our area and the rest is the other elders from the split. Those dots are different members blue is active, green is less active, yellow is less active part member family, and red is active part member family. That way we can kind of see who lives where. Also you can tell how sparce our ward is spread out."
This week I learned that Crayola Twistables work much better than colored pencils! I use them a lot and love them.
Also I am sending a package home so please check the mail every day till you get it. I am not sure how hot it is over there and I don't want one of the things I am sending you to melt. So please be aware of that.
So I have decided that I like to experiment with drugs!!! HAHA while that sounds bad it is not, you will understand in a bit. I have been taking me longer than I would like to, to fall asleep so I am experimenting with Melatonin. It comes in 3Mgs, 5Mgs, and 10 Mg. So naturally I get the 10. I want to make like a notepad filled with notes of how well they work, but I haven't gotten around to it and I may never will because it seems like a lot of work. By the way it works pretty well. Next I want to try experimenting with some stress relievers. I heard St. Johns Wart might work well and I want to try that too. This reminded me about how I wanted to be a psychiatrist, and I am still not sure I guess time will tell.
I was listening to a talk given by Elder Holland. Our car has a USB drive in it for the speakers and so I got a USB drive (not just for the car, but for other things too) and put a ton of talks on it. One of these talks was titled "Remember Lot's Wife" and it is about Lot's Wife. The story is pretty much that Lot was commanded to take his family out of Sodom and not to look back. So he gets a ton of people and leave and doesn't look back. The only person that does look back is his wife and then she is turned to salt! Elder Holland said that the sin wasn't in the physical action of turning around, but for wanting to go back to what/where she was before and doing the same things and the same sins. He warns us not to look back longingly at what we once were or sins that we have overcome. It also made me realize that Lot had a pretty hard life. First his daughters get him drunk (if you are familiar with that story), then his wife turns to salt, although I think salt was pretty valuable back then, but I think he would rather have his wife. It is a really good talk and worth a listen to. Also it only uses like 6 words on Lot's wife's death. I thought it was funny on how little it talks about her.
We had dinner this week with a half Brazilian family, the Mossers, who invited the bishops family who then invited us. I love going over there they feed us a couple times a month and we wish we could more but they live on the very edge of our area and that uses a lot of miles. Anyway this time we talked about evil spirits and how prevalent they are in Brazil and Trinidad and Equador (the Bishop is from Trinidad and his wife from Equador). We heard a lot of cool stories about voodoo and witchcraft and other satanic arts it was all quite fascinating. They told of this one story of how these witch people have made this powdered stuff that pretty much fries their brains and turns them into mindless zombies that they have work out in the fields. A lot of scary stuff down there.
Is there anything that is good at removing blood/ink out of white shirts? I have a few of those stains in some obscure places, but want to get rid of them nevertheless. I saw some at a grocery store here but they were pretty expensive.
At the end of the week we were invited to a priesthood campfire activity where there are games food and stories. It was a lot of fun and I got to get to know and be better friends with people in the ward. Apparently I am good at Corn hole (it is pretty much a beanbag toss game that is really popular out here that is hard to explain, you will have to look it up) and Ladder Golf (you throw a string tied to two golf balls at a ladder thing). It was fun watching the bishop and other people get really frustrated with my beginners luck.
That's all for this week I have a few pictures I think. See ya!
My companion wanted to go back to the library to email his sister about her birthday I think, so I am back on for a little bit and decided that I will share an experience with you guys.
I was at Wal-Mart today doing our shopping (I didn't have much to buy but of course I ended up buying a lot more than I needed and spending too much money). Anyway I was thinking about getting another pair of insoles for my running/workout/normal person shoes, but I couldn't find the brand that I liked and used for my other shoes (Spenco in case you were wondering) So I thought about getting some custom insoles that you make a mold of your foot and mail it in and they ship you some insoles. But I couldn't find that anywhere and asked someone and they said the closest thing they had was the Dr. Shoals machine where they measure "2,200 points of your foot" and then recommend you one of like ten different "custom" insoles. I was pretty skeptical at first, then I tried the machine a couple of times it was fairly consistent. I thought about it for about 15-20 minutes while using the machine a lot. I eventually decided to get them relying on the "100% satisfaction guarantee" to get my money back if I didn't like them. They also had a $10 mail in rebate if I ended up liking them, so I decided it was worth the risk. I put them in my dress shoes and put my other ones in my workout shoes and about 3 hours later I put them on because we were leaving to go here. They feel amazing! I am very much surprised by how well they feel under my feet. So anyway I will see how they feel in the next week and I will let you know.
So this past week we ran out of miles and went over so we pretty much had to walk everywhere. We had appointments in a city a while away called Charleroi two days in a row last week. The first day we decided to drive 1/3 of the way there (to the church) and walk the rest. It was misrable (sorry for my bad spelling there isn't an automatic spell checker on this computer). It took 2 hours and 45 minutes one way to get there. we were about 10 minutes away from his house when he texts us and says that he isn't able to meet with us that day and will talk to us at church (which he never came to by the way). Luckily the other set of Elders where getting ready to move and were cleaning/packing so we helped them with that and ate lunch over there and cooled down a little bit before walking back. It took so long because there is a lot of hills and stuff. Also it was probably like 85 degrees with 90% humidity, which is a lot worse than it sounds I really can't explain it proprerly. I was dripping wet. I did find a quarter on the way back and we saw a dead snake that was so freash it still looked alive, also we found an empty wallet (sadley there was no money in it), so I guess it wasn't all bad.
Since our experience that day was so misrable we decided to try to take the bus to Charleroi. We printed up a bus schedule and decided that the bus would get us there in probably like 15 minutes. My companion had the inspiration to leave about an hour and 30 minutes early so we did. It turns out my companion read the bus schedule wrong and it actually took us about 2 hours and a little longer to get us to our destination. We were going to have the other elders in that city pick us up and help them clean for a few hours before the appointment. We didn't have time since we were almost late and it was way past the time we were planning on so we just quckly walked there (it wasn't that far away). When we got there it seemed like we had divine assistance getting there quickly (for example we didn't have to get buzzed in because someone else was walking in). When we knocked on the door it took him forever to answer it (which is understandable because he lost one of his lower legs in a car accident). When he opens the door he is in his wheelchair in his underwear. He was sleeping and wasn't feeling well so we didn't meet with him that day. So that was the other day that was kind of for naught. Although it was really cool riding on a public bus for the first time it was pretty fun. after a while smelly people started getting on and then I fell asleep for a bit off and on. I woke up every three minutes because the horn or something was broken on the bus so there was an almost constant extremely loud honking noise filling the bus.
Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep so I got some melatonin and that seems to work pretty well. I have been noticing I have been getting a lot of bug bites on my feet so I had to start wearing socks to bed and that seemed to help a lot. I think I might be cursed, every time I take a shower it ends up being 13 minutes long, it is kind of strange.
I found a .5 mm pen at walmart it works really great because all our paper work and planners require us to write really small. Also I found out that there are .38 mm pens, but none at walmart I was a little sad because that is what I originally wanted, but I think I like the .5 mm pens better.
I love the Bednar book that my parents sent my, Thank You for it! It is really neat, it is about how we can act more like the savior and it is really great. What I love about his books is that they are all workbooks pretty much and that you really have to pay attention and work and think and write things down and watch his DVD segments if you want to get it all. It helps a lot in the sense that it helps people get something out of the book and change who they are, myself included. The only problem is that I have to devot some time to it so I cant read it as much as I would like to since I don't have much time for it. I have to read it for at least an hour or a half, and I can't be tired. So I can't read it at times like before bed or, what seems to be, a lot of other times like that. I was going to say that I dont have anything else to read, but I just remembered I have one of the books from the missionary library I havn't read yet (I think it is called Our Heratige or something) so I guess I do. I also should have some pictures to send after I respond to a few other emails.

"These are really cool robots they have at the hospital. They carry medical supplies and carry them to people I think on different floors too, without the aid of a human. If you get it its way it stops and looks like it is a little frusturated and tries to go around you. I call them R2's as in R2-D2 from Star Wars."
Elder Mellor on his first ever bus ride!
He loves shopping at the Amish store in his area
9/9/13-The subject line for this email was, "This is not the email you are waiting for" Haha This kid cracks me up!
It is the end of this transfer period and I am still staying here for at least six more weeks (after that I will probably move to a different area). On the 1th I will have been on my mission for a whole six months. That is 1/4th of my whole mission which is crazy! I have bee out for a long time and it feels like I have been doing this my whole life now.
So we had dinner at a members house and we were eating and a couple weeks ago our ward mission leader (he served in this same area on his mission it is pretty sweet) told us that this particular family had 2 guns hidden in their dinner table in these drawers. So my companion asks about them and he looks in the drawers and finds them and starts playing with them. It was pretty funny. The wife was mortified. I think that was like last Monday or something.
I am down to my last spare toothbrush head, they are surprisingly expensive, good thing they last for three months! I finished taking my driving test/video thing so I should get a call soon telling me that I can drive. It was really funny because in the video I had to watch Stanley from The Office was in it. He was really lame and not funny and disappointing though. We also went to subway recently (we had a gift card) and they had a new bread. It is Garlic Bread and it was pretty good.
One of my investigator, Tim, says the he recognizes the need for him to be baptized, which is pretty sweet since it is normally so hard to get people to realize that. We also started teaching his kids. It is pretty cool about him is that he is so tall that he won't fit in the baptismal font so we are either going to have to baptize him in a member's pool or in the Monongahela River. I hope we get to do it in the river.
There is a member in the ward that is a professional psychologist or something. He described it to me as an alternative to medicine for people with mental problems. He is sort of like a professional counselor. Anyway we were doing this thing trying to find some people on our ward list that we have never heard of before and it ended up just being me and him alone in the room with no one to go out with (he had to stay there because he was in charge of it). He ended up talking about his job and then I talked to him about my mental problems and it was just really nice to talk to someone who understands the things that I have to deal with and we had a really great conversation. It was great!
My companion checked out Mormon Doctrine out from the church library (I don't check things out normally because I have other books I have to go through and I thought I was leaving soon) and I almost completely read through it and I am a little sick of it. I will still want it for a reference book though, it is good at explaining stuff. My companion also got a member to let him borrow a really good book called Spiritual Roots of Human Relations by Stephen R. Covey and it is super good! I only read a couple pages and the table of contents, but it seems to have a lot of stuff that would help me. Like for example there is a whole chapter for missionaries and another one on how to better talk to and council people, which is what missionaries do. So that would also go on my book list.
I got some jury duty stuff in the mail a couple of days ago. At first I thought it was a letter, but it was just jury duty stuff. I think it would be funny if I had to go, but I highly doubt it.
Apparently this chicken escaped out of his neighbor's coop! He sent like 4 pictures of it, so I had to include one!
"I thought I might be leaving this transfer so I got a picture with this awesome family called the Mossers. Brother Mosser is hilarious and super red neck but at the same time he works at the hospital in charge of their computers'. Sister Mosser is from Brazil and always cooks up Brazilian food it is really interesting, but she always cooks amazing dessert."
Well, That is all for now! Hopefully I will do better with keeping this updated! It seems like Elder Mellor is doing great! Thanks for all your love and support for him! If you would like to email him, you can do so at zachary.mellor@myldsmail.net or you can write him a letter at 457 Fair Alley
New Eagle, PA 15067.